Oh yea....Thursday....not working today... but as usual eyes open at 6am...c'mon, back to bed.....7am..arghhh....still early... try sleeep in, pls...... 7:45am....ok..surrender..wake up... (looking at the sky)...... the weather forecast said today showers, easing in the late afternoon....but I can see mostly blue sky and dark clouds on far north side... oh, by the way, I can say that the weather forecast in perth is 95% accuracy, and the most is 3 days forecast... Anyway, so did not plan for anywork today... as usual, make myself a bowl of espresso mocha...turn on computer and start checking my emails...Oooops, today is 9th of Sept... House inspection day... better make sure things alright...Haha, not to worry too much, nothing much I can do, everything still the same, wall still intact...look at the time...still too early, well, since the weather still loooks abit overcast, why not have morning walk to the post office since I need to post a lot of mails... be safer to put on my weatherproof jacket just in case....that's busy post office, long Q...you can hear the reception calling..next pls... next pls...next pls......ohhh...it's my turn. Can I have the stamp for this envelope with this lot of mails in it, pls? (ok. Let me check the price, the lady said and asked again where going to send to?) I told her just perth. It comes to $3.40 for the postage and is 0.210gm. What??? $3.40 for the lot just to perth??? yup, pretty sure, replied again by the lady. No choice, nothing much can do other than pay. Don't bother to think too much about it, just make it as charity. got out of the post office, start heading home... on the way home, will pass by Bunnings... why not go in and have a look around... bunnings is the biggest warehouse that sells almost everything, able to get things there to build a house from scratch... and they do sell plants too... anyway, just go in and have a loook.... one of my fav shopping place...able to spend hours looking all those craps.... end up buying a set of spindle, got home, fix the hot water tap for the washing machine with the new spindle. hmm..the weather looks better now, no more rain by the look... why not patch my car, since i had the crack for sometimes already...start mixing the filler, patch here and there... wait, I think I heard something...listen carefully again... haha...My stomach is growling.....time for lunch... While eating my 2 packet of indo-mie, start thinking what I got for tomorrow, 2 job to be done tomorrow, extending a telephone line to another room, mowing lawns if time allows and the other one is fixing the reticulation system + spraying weed killer..they are not far from each other, but kinda far from me... haha...after lunch better go there have a look to see what is needed for tomorrow....hop into my car and out I go..... got to the second place first, ok, reticulation system... Ahha, this pipe broken, need a fix...oh well, will come back tomorrow with the parts.... then go to the next house... have a chat with the people, look around the phone line... ok...will be back tomorrow..... on my way home... Oooops....what's the size of the pipe... gosh....forgot to the the size.. I can't guess, they use all sorts of size, it seems like no standard... no 3rd choice, better go back and check for the size.... got the size... head to bunnings for parts.... wuhooo...... wonder around in the garden area... Wow..
All year round fruiting Strawberry....hmm...sounds interesting...Na... it did makes me attemp to buy, but...aheemmm....hehe...will check it out first to make sure it produce damn sweet strawberry...now i got it, hokowase breed produces damn sweeeeeeeeet strawberry... hmm... I think I will try to grow them...yumyum....well...that's about doggy handy's man life.... not always, but sometimes forgot or missed something and will have to go back for a second time.... Well, what to do? next time make sure do not knock your head too much on the wall or floor... haha