Thursday, March 03, 2005


MARTS AGM - Must Always Really Terrible Sucks, All Gone Mad. (Modified Version)
Although it suppose to be Malaysia Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society, Annual General Meeting. (Original Version)

Years and years gone, the so called AGM is also getting worst and worst. Just imagine a scientist is just keep re-inventing the damn wooden wheel. Every members got their own story. So do I got many stories of it too. I was told this years was fun till someone almost got whack in the meeting... Geees... next year get ready with the parang and kuali and need some guards standby. Bad Bad....Even at last of the meeting, some fellas even shouted I love MARTS!!! so I assume is refer to the modified version.

So up till today, I had decided and made my last decision. Since my request been "REJECTED" after offering helps, I decided to resign as member after my membership expired. I do not see any benefits from joining the society.... I would rather to save the membership fees to buy friends a big meal once a year. ^_^
Good luck to those council members.


Blogger firstclass said...

My friend, in fact, they have people assigned as "security" beside those who helped out doing the registration job.
Anyway, it was a fun event as the AGM is the only time when the largest group of the hams come and "congregate", renewing ties, and shaking hands once a year.
OK, forget about the society and those jokers.
In my opinion, the most important thing in ham radio is to keep this hobby from being "money-motivated". Stay away from those who took the ham license just because they want to get to know hams and sell them rigs and antennas. These people don't even own a rig themselves. Fuck them!

12:19 pm  
Blogger Finn said...

One day I still hold the license, no one able to stop me from pressing the PTT and enjoy the wireless. NO WAY~!

2:29 pm  

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