Man made Bushfire....
As the fire keep burining for the last 4 days, creating man-made clouds, smells horrible. This morning as usual, got up, get ready to work. As just before I open my car door, realise there's a layer of ashes. What the.... Yes. It is the burning ashes, then look around me, damn, you actually can see the ashes falling down everywhere from the sky. As driving to work, darn.... I would say is less than 1km visibility on the road... what a shame. I would reckon is the worst condition ever for perth in the decade. Smokey, ashes everywhere. One arsonist set up the fire in the bush about 30km away from perth. It had been burning down for almost half of the forrest and they still fighting on it. Still no under control... So for the sake, if the arsonist is caught, he should be hang to death and have one head shot after that. No chance should given. C'mon, Australian are too kind. I think they rather to keep that arsonist and feed him for nothing and let him off in the future and do the samething again. So that able to keep the firemen busy. Shame on you Australian!!!
One thing good about this place is, usually will get sea breeze coming in in the afternoon. So happen today, it blows away the haze and the sky at the metropolitian area is clear again with some stinky smoke smells.
One thing good about this place is, usually will get sea breeze coming in in the afternoon. So happen today, it blows away the haze and the sky at the metropolitian area is clear again with some stinky smoke smells.
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