Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Request to work....

Today while working, one of my mate rang me...
As we call each other boss all the time...haha...so my mate (Boss A), me (Boss B)
Boss A still working at the Asian Oriental Supermarket, Boss B used to work there as well. The big boss is the oriental supermarket boss.

Boss A: Boss, how are you? working today?
Boss B: I'm goood. how are you? Yup, working now at this moment, what's up?
Boss A: Will you be working on Thursday and Friday?
Boss B: *thinking silently, must be want me to work again*... Err...I can't give you the exact answer yet, but I can tell you that I got a few job to do in the morning and not sure what will be like untill tomorrow evening...
Boss A: Ohhh.... nothing, just wondering if you possible to work on Thursday coz I need to go for training at 4:00pm, and the big boss asked me to ask you to work....
Boss B: OOoooo...i see, but still, I can't give you the right answer at this moment....what If I let you know the answer tomorrow evening after I finish my work.
Boss A: Ok... just keep my finger cross and hopefully you able to work.
Boss B: Ok mate, I better continue my work...talk to you later....cya
Boss A: Cya.

To be continue about the reason why do not feel like working there............


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